Embody the Frequency of Your Dreams

MAGNETIZE is a 5-part video course to help you embody and amplify the frequency of your highest visions, so you can attract more of what you want in life.

Whenever we’re trying to manifest from a place of lack, most likely we’ll create more of the same (the very thing we’re trying to overcome).

We are powerful energetic beings and in order to call amazing results into our lives, we need to align energetically and emotionally with our dreams - then take inspired action.

Synchronicities can unfold, prayers can be answered and truly amazing things can unfold.

We can become a MAGNET for miracles!

In this training, I’ll help you:

  • Connect to your soul’s desires

  • Expand your vision for what’s possible in your life

  • Identify where you’ve been manifesting from a place of lack and fear

  • Hold a loving space for yourself to acknowledge and transmute resistance

  • Identify, connect to and amplify the frequency and vibration of your highest desires

  • Dissolve denser energies in your body and field that have been holding you back and weighing you down

  • Manifest by becoming an energetic magnet and consciously calling aligned things to you

Hi, I’m Bonnie!

I’m an actress, singer songwriter, mentor and intuitive (among other things).

I’ve followed (and achieved) many big dreams in my life and have been practicing energetic alignment in my manifestation practice for over 20 years. As a result, I’ve experienced some truly incredible things and called in massive opportunities.

Over time I’ve developed some powerful and unique practices to help unlock energetic ‘blockages’ and have supported friends, loved ones and clients in moving to new levels of expansion and opening the door to big opportunities and more abundance in their lives.

I’m so excited and honored to share these practices with you, and support you in manifesting your wildest dreams!!

You deserve it!! This is your life, and it’s truly POSSIBLE to make it absolutely amazing and magical.

“I was at a point in my career (I’m a film director) where I was ready to get to the next level financially and start closing bigger deals. But no matter what I did, I couldn’t quite get there and always found there was a certain cap on my income.

I had a couple of sessions with Bonnie, and in one session in particular, we discovered the energetic block and were able to release it. I felt a huge difference, and soon after that (I think it was a couple of days or so), I finally signed a really big contract and I haven’t had the same struggles or limitations since then!”

~ Gabriela (Film Director)

Course Info:

$88.00 (Standard Pricing)

  • 5 succinct videos

  • 3 powerful meditations/activations (within the videos)

  • Downloadable course notes and journal prompts

  • 90 days of access

    Please note: Price is in USD and all purchases are final.